Friday 14 July 2017

Swell or Hell-phones

As human beings we have a natural tendency to find an addiction or obsession! Yes, it may not be intentional or even conscious, but it is still there. We love being hooked on something. Most of us are hooked on one series or another (Game of Thrones anybody?). The one thing we definitely cannot do without is our cellphone. That is true with me. From the second I wake up, or rather it wakes me up, I am touching and swiping at it all day! I use it to time my exercises and meditation, to check my various scorecards, to display pictures of vision board to pump me up and a host of other things even before I leave the door.

I could never have effectively done that with my Samsung Galaxy Ace, but my current professional and personal companion does that with ease. Oh and I am not disclosing what phone I am using! I will say that it is not on the same level as the new S8 and G6 which many are having fun comparing. Which made me think - are we not placing way too much of a premium on these devices? Are we not letting them rule our lives too much. Much has been said and studied on this very question, and therefore there is no one right or wrong answer.

My personal conclusion is that these things are a double-edged sword, so you have to handle them carefully, be cognizant of their power and treat them with respect. Or, you could just say screw it, I sticking with my 3310! I choose to limit the power it has over me by setting clear limits on usage. For example I refuse to overburden it with tonnes of apps. A friend of mine was shocked when he saw that the only "games" have are Chess and Un-Block Me. He said that as an IT professional my phone should be bursting at the seams with apps. I won't get into that argument at this point. I explained to him that I want to be able to put my phone down and not feel like I am missing a limb or something! So I refuse to install any social media apps; the closest is a short-cut on the my home screen. I want my phone to be a source of productivity and effectiveness. Not a place I go to goof off! That's what I have Downton Abbey for! I actually love an uncluttered home screen too much clutter makes me crazy and feel like I am not in control.

It therefore comes down us if our phones will add real value to our lives and be swell-phones (Come on it's not that cheesy!!) or the more ominous alternative....

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